Michael Hodge

Born on:
Birth place: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Forward, shoots left
5 ' 9" (175 cm) | 161 lb (73 kg)

Regular Season

2015‑16Calgary Northwest StampedersAMMHL15372532574911
2017‑18Grande Prairie StormAJHL1740004000
2017‑18Calgary FlamesAMHL17341012226301
2018‑19Trail Smoke EatersBCHL1835571216200
2018‑19Alberni Valley BulldogsBCHL181858134000
2019‑20Fort McMurray Oil BaronsAJHL195830275722903
2020‑21Fort McMurray Oil BaronsAJHL201610192914202
2021‑22Union CollegeNCAA2134551012-1520112.5
2022‑23Union CollegeNCAA22210100001100.0
2023‑24College of the Holy CrossNCAA23330441820000.0
2024‑25College of the Holy CrossNCAA248213020015.4
AJHL Totals78404686401105
NCAA Totals778101830-112029.9
BCHL Totals5310152520200
AEHL U16 Totals372532574911
AEHL U18 Totals341012226301

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Canada | United States

Playoff Stats

2015‑16Calgary Northwest StampedersAMMHL15566120300
2017‑18Calgary FlamesAMHL17852712102
2018‑19Alberni Valley BulldogsBCHL1841012000
2019‑20Fort McMurray Oil BaronsAJHL1963252100
AEHL U18 Totals852712102
AJHL Totals63252100
AEHL U16 Totals566120300
BCHL Totals41012000