Marc Chorney - NHL Profile

Born on:
Birth place: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Defenseman, shoots left
6 ' 0" (183 cm) | 201 lb (91 kg)
Drafted by: Pittsburgh Penguins, 6. round (#115 overall), in 1979 NHL Entry Draft

Regular Season NHL Stats

OverallTime on IceGoalsAssistsPointsper 60 All Situationsper 60 Even-Strengthper 60 Power-Playper GameShotsDefensiveFaceoffs
1980‑81Pittsburgh Penguins21816714110000510006100014.3%0.1250.7500.875333.3%
1981‑82Pittsburgh Penguins226016763-111001060000700100.0%0.0170.1000.117372.7%
1982‑83Pittsburgh Penguins236735866-303000050000800000.0%0.0450.0750.119654.6%
1983‑84Pittsburgh Penguins2440118-40000010000100000.0%0.0000.2500.25050.0%
1983‑84Los Angeles Kings2471391258-2530000621009210016.7%0.0420.1270.169575.3%
NHL Totals21082735209-69800102331003131108.6%0.0380.1290.1671674.8%

Marc Chorney Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Marc Chorney has played the most regular season games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

Playoff NHL Stats

OverallTime on IceGoalsAssistsPointsper 60 All Situationsper 60 Even-Strengthper 60 Power-Playper GameShotsDefensiveFaceoffs
1980‑81Pittsburgh Penguins21201121000000100001000100.0%0.0000.5000.50000.00%
1981‑82Pittsburgh Penguins2250000-10000000000000000.0%0.0000.0000.00000.00%
NHL Totals701120000000100001000100.0%0.0000.1430.14300.00%

Marc Chorney Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Marc Chorney has played the most playoff games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CAGeorge Ferguson721CABobby Simpson2416181
2CAPat Price722CAMario Faubert2426282
3CARod Schutt723CARoss Lonsberry2436383
4CAPaul Gardner724CAMark Johnson2446484
5CAPaul Baxter725CAGreg Millen2456585
6CARick Kehoe726CAGary Rissling2466686
7CAMike Bullard727CAJim Hamilton1476787
8CARandy Carlyle728CASteve Gatzos1486888
9CAGreg Hotham529496989
10CAPeter Lee530507090
11CAAndre St. Laurent531517191
12CARick MacLeish532527292
13CAGreg Malone533537393
14CAMichel Dion534547494
15CAPat Boutette535557595
16CAKevin McClelland536567696
17CAPat Graham437577797
18CARandy Boyd338587898
19CAGregg Sheppard239597999
20CARon Stackhouse2406080100