Rick Chinnick - NHL Profile

Born on:
Birth place: Chatham, Ontario, Canada
Forward, shoots left
5 ' 11" (181 cm) | 181 lb (82 kg)
Drafted by: Minnesota North Stars, 3. round (#41 overall), in 1973 NHL Amateur Draft

Regular Season NHL Stats

OverallTime on IceGoalsAssistsPointsper 60 All Situationsper 60 Even-Strengthper 60 Power-Playper GameShotsDefensiveFaceoffs
1973‑74Minnesota North Stars201011000000010000100000.0%0.0001.0001.00010.0%
1974‑75Minnesota North Stars213011000000010000100000.0%0.0000.3330.33360.0%
NHL Totals4022000000020000200000.0%0.0000.5000.50070.0%

Rick Chinnick Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Rick Chinnick has played the most regular season games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CAMurray Oliver421CAGary Bergman1416181
2CADennis Hextall422CABarry Gibbs1426282
3CATom Reid423CAPete Lopresti1436383
4CADennis O'Brien424CADanny Grant1446484
5CAFred Barrett325CAJude Drouin1456585
6CADoug Hicks326CATony Featherstone1466686
7CABlake Dunlop327CAFred Stanfield1476787
8CADwight Bialowas328CABuster Harvey1486888
9CACraig Cameron329CAJohn Rogers1496989
10CADon Martineau330507090
11CABill Goldsworthy331517191
12CADean Talafous332527292
13CANorm Gratton333537393
14CAErnie Hicke334547494
15CADoug Rombough335557595
16CACesare Maniago236567696
17CALou Nanne237577797
18CAFern Rivard238587898
19CAJean-Paul Parise139597999
20CAGary Gambucci1406080100