Hal Winkler - NHL Profile

Born on:
Birth place: Gretna, Manitoba, Canada
5 ' 8" (173 cm) | 150 lb (68 kg)

Regular Season NHL Stats

1926‑27Boston Bruins34231.661294041445:000000
1926‑27New York Rangers3481.6534132473:000000
1927‑28Boston Bruins35441.52201370152758:450000
NHL Totals751.583526123214676:450000

Hal Winkler Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Hal Winkler has played the most regular season games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CALionel Hitchman6621CAReg Mackey8416181
2CAHarry Oliver6522CABill Cook8426282
3CAFrank Frederickson6423CAPaul Thompson8436383
4CAEddie Shore6424CAFrank Boucher8446484
5CAPercy Galbraith6325CAOllie Reinikka7456585
6CASprague Cleghorn6026CAChing Johnson6466686
7CAFred Gordon4327CAMarty Lauder3476787
8CADutch Gainor4328CAStan Brown2486888
9CAHarry Connor4229CANobby Clark2496989
10CADit Clapper4230CALorne Chabot1507090
11CAJimmy Herberts2631517191
12CAHarry Meeking2332527292
13CABilly Stuart2333537393
14CAHago Harrington2234547494
15CABilly Coutu2235557595
16CABilly Boucher1636567696
17CABun Cook837577797
18CAClarence Abel838587898
19CABill Boyd839597999
20CAMurray Murdoch8406080100

Playoff NHL Stats

1926‑27Boston Bruins3481.5022132520:000000
1927‑28Boston Bruins3522.500150120:000000
NHL Totals101.6923182640:000000

Hal Winkler Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Hal Winkler has played the most playoff games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CAEddie Shore1021416181
2CALionel Hitchman1022426282
3CAHarry Oliver1023436383
4CAFrank Frederickson1024446484
5CASprague Cleghorn1025456585
6CAPercy Galbraith1026466686
7CABilly Stuart827476787
8CAJimmy Herberts828486888
9CABilly Boucher829496989
10CABilly Coutu730507090
11CAHarry Meeking731517191
12CADit Clapper232527292
13CADutch Gainor233537393
14CAHarry Connor234547494
15CAHago Harrington235557595
16CAFred Gordon236567696