Jack Tomson - NHL Profile

Born on:
Birth place: Uxbridge, United Kingdom
Defenseman, shoots right
6 ' 1" (186 cm) | 174 lb (79 kg)

Regular Season NHL Stats

OverallTime on IceGoalsAssistsPointsper 60 All Situationsper 60 Even-Strengthper 60 Power-Playper GameShotsDefensiveFaceoffs
1939‑40New York Americans211210101000000000100000.0%0.0830.0000.083
1940‑41New York Americans22300000000000000000000.0%0.0000.0000.000
NHL Totals1510101000000000100000.0%0.0670.0000.067

Jack Tomson Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Jack Tomson has played the most regular season games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CAMurray Armstrong1521CAChuck Shannon2416181
2CAHooley Smith1522CABill Benson1426282
3CALorne Carr1523CAPat Egan1436383
4CAEarl Robertson1524446484
5CAFrank 'Buzz' Boll1525456585
6CACharlie Conacher1426466686
7CABusher Jackson1327476787
8CAEddie Wiseman1228486888
9CAJohn Sorrell1229496989
10CAWilf Field1230507090
11CATommy Anderson1231517191
12CAAl Murray1032527292
13CAPeter Slobodian333537393
14CANorm Larson334547494
15CAVivan Allen335557595
16CARalph Wycherley336567696
17CAArt Chapman237577797
18CANels Stewart238587898
19CAElwyn 'Doc' Romnes239597999
20CALloyd Finkbeiner2406080100

Playoff NHL Stats

OverallTime on IceGoalsAssistsPointsper 60 All Situationsper 60 Even-Strengthper 60 Power-Playper GameShotsDefensiveFaceoffs
1938‑39New York Americans20200000000000000000000.0%0.0000.0000.000
NHL Totals200000000000000000000.0%0.0000.0000.000

Jack Tomson Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Jack Tomson has played the most playoff games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CATommy Anderson221416181
2CAArt Chapman222426282
3CAJohn Gallagher223436383
4CAEddie Wiseman224446484
5CASweeney Schriner225456585
6CAHooley Smith226466686
7CALeroy Goldsworthy227476787
8CAJohn Sorrell228486888
9CARoger Jenkins229496989
10CALorne Carr230507090
11CAJoe Jerwa231517191
12CAWilf Field232527292
13CAArt Jackson233537393
14CAAlfie Moore234547494
15CANels Stewart235557595