Wayne Rutledge - NHL Profile

Born on:
Birth place: Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Goalie, catches left
6 ' 2" (188 cm) | 201 lb (91 kg)
Drafted by: Los Angeles Kings, 2. round (#7 overall), in 1967 NHL Expansion Draft

Regular Season NHL Stats

1967‑68Los Angeles Kings25452.880.89721151171017113422440:390004
1968‑69Los Angeles Kings26173.710.883511574304870921:200002
1969‑70Los Angeles Kings27204.270.891212685556230955:420005
NHL Totals823.360.89228382422002224424317:4100011

Wayne Rutledge Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Wayne Rutledge has played the most regular season games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

Playoff NHL Stats

1967‑68Los Angeles Kings2533.220.89012865730149:110000
1968‑69Los Angeles Kings2653.150.89413121011130228:250004
NHL Totals83.180.89325201661860377:360004

Wayne Rutledge Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Wayne Rutledge has played the most playoff games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CAEddie Joyal821CAGord Labossiere3416181
2CABrent Hughes822CARon Anderson2426282
3CAReal Lemieux823CABryan Campbell2436383
4CABill White824CAPoul Popiel2446484
5CAHowie Menard825CASkip Krake2456585
6CABill Flett826CATerry Sawchuk1466686
7CATed Irvine827476787
8CADale Rolfe828486888
9CADave Amadio729496989
10CAHowie Hughes730507090
11CALowell MacDonald731517191
12CABob Wall732527292
13CALarry Cahan533537393
14CABill Inglis534547494
15CAGary Croteau535557595
16CAJim Peters536567696
17CAGerry Desjardins337577797
18CATerry Gray338587898
19CABrian Smith339597999
20CADoug Robinson3406080100