Vic Myles - NHL Profile

Born on:
Birth place: Fairlight, Saskatchewan, Canada
Defenseman, shoots right
6 ' 1" (186 cm) | 207 lb (94 kg)

Regular Season NHL Stats

OverallTime on IceGoalsAssistsPointsper 60 All Situationsper 60 Even-Strengthper 60 Power-Playper GameShotsDefensiveFaceoffs
1942‑43New York Rangers2745681457510007100012200014.3%0.1330.1780.311
NHL Totals45681457510007100012200014.3%0.1330.1780.311

Vic Myles Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Vic Myles has played the most regular season games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CAGrant Warwick4521CALinthwaite Bend3416181
2CABryan Hextall4522CAWalter 'Babe' Pratt1426282
3CALynn Patrick4523CABill Warwick1436383
4CABob Kirkpatrick4424CAVic Lynn1446484
5CAClint Smith4325CALionel Bouvrette1456585
6CAPhil Watson4226CASpence Tatchell1466686
7CAOtt Heller4027476787
8CAAlf Pike3628486888
9CAHank Goldup3529496989
10CAGordon Davidson3030507090
11CAScotty Cameron3031517191
12CAJimmy Franks2332527292
13CADudley Garrett2333537393
14CAFelix 'Gus' Mancuso2134547494
15CAJoe Shack2035557595
16CABill Beveridge1736567696
17CABilly Gooden1137577797
18CAJoe Bell1038587898
19CAHubert Macey439597999
20CAStephen Buzinski4406080100