Normand Leveille - NHL Profile

Born on:
Birth place: Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Forward, shoots left
5 ' 10" (178 cm) | 174 lb (79 kg)
Drafted by: Boston Bruins, 1. round (#14 overall), in 1981 NHL Entry Draft

Regular Season NHL Stats

OverallTime on IceGoalsAssistsPointsper 60 All Situationsper 60 Even-Strengthper 60 Power-Playper GameShotsDefensiveFaceoffs
1981‑82Boston Bruins186614193349151310401900203210603.0%0.2120.2880.5001489.5%
1982‑83Boston Bruins1993690012020510006302033.3%0.3330.6671.000329.4%
NHL Totals7517254249151430602410203840809.5%0.2270.3330.5601809.4%

Normand Leveille Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Normand Leveille has played the most regular season games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CABarry Pederson7521CARogie Vachon31416181
2CAMike O'Connell7522CAMike Krushelnyski23426282
3CAPeter McNab7523CABrad Palmer9436383
4CABrad Park7124CAGord Kluzak9446484
5CASteve Kasper7125CALuc Dufour9456585
6CARick Middleton7026CAMarty Howe9466686
7CAKeith Crowder6627CADick Redmond9476787
8CABrad McCrimmon6428CAPete Peeters7486888
9CABruce Crowder6229CAMike Moffat6496989
10CARay Bourque5930CACraig MacTavish6507090
11CATom Fergus5831CADoug Morrison3517191
12CATerry O'Reilly5732CADave Barr2527292
13CADon Marcotte5633537393
14CAStan Jonathan5434547494
15CAWayne Cashman5335557595
16CAMike Milbury4736567696
17CALarry Melnyk4137577797
18CAMike Gillis4038587898
19CAMarco Baron3639597999
20CARandy Hillier32406080100