Ron Hurst - NHL Profile

Born on:
Birth place: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Forward, shoots right
5 ' 9" (176 cm) | 174 lb (79 kg)

Regular Season NHL Stats

OverallTime on IceGoalsAssistsPointsper 60 All Situationsper 60 Even-Strengthper 60 Power-Playper GameShotsDefensiveFaceoffs
1955‑56Toronto Maple Leafs245075126252010320108402033.3%0.1400.1000.240
1956‑57Toronto Maple Leafs2514224811000110102201050.0%0.1430.1430.286
NHL Totals64971670630104302010603037.5%0.1410.1090.250

Ron Hurst Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Ron Hurst has played the most regular season games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CADick Duff6421CABob Pulford14416181
2CARon Stewart6422CAMike Nykoluk14426282
3CATod Sloan6223CABarry Cullen9436383
4CARudy Migay6024CAJack Bionda8446484
5CAMarc Reaume5925CAGilles Mayer6456585
6CAJim Morrison5826CALarry Cahan5466686
7CAJimmy Thomson5527CAJoe Klukay4476787
8CASid Smith5028CABill Burega4486888
9CABilly Harris5029CADave Reid2496989
10CAGeorge Armstrong4930CALefty Wilson1507090
11CAHugh Bolton4731CAGary Aldcorn1517191
12CATim Horton4432CARay Gariepy1527292
13CAGord Hannigan4433CABob Baun1537393
14CAGerry James4334CAWillie Marshall1547494
15CAEarl Balfour4235557595
16CAHarry Lumley3936567696
17CABrian Cullen3237577797
18CAEric Nesterenko2538587898
19CAEd Chadwick1939597999
20CAAl MacNeil15406080100

Playoff NHL Stats

OverallTime on IceGoalsAssistsPointsper 60 All Situationsper 60 Even-Strengthper 60 Power-Playper GameShotsDefensiveFaceoffs
1955‑56Toronto Maple Leafs243022400000110001100050.0%0.0000.6670.667
NHL Totals3022400000110001100050.0%0.0000.6670.667

Ron Hurst Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Ron Hurst has played the most playoff games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CARon Stewart321416181
2CARudy Migay322426282
3CAGerry James323436383
4CAEarl Balfour324446484
5CASid Smith325456585
6CAHugh Bolton326466686
7CAHarry Lumley327476787
8CAMarc Reaume328486888
9CADick Duff329496989
10CAJim Morrison330507090
11CABrian Cullen331517191
12CAJimmy Thomson332527292
13CABilly Harris333537393
14CAGeorge Armstrong334547494
15CAGord Hannigan235557595
16CATim Horton236567696