Paul Goodman - NHL Profile

Born on:
Birth place: Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada
Goalie, catches left
5 ' 10" (178 cm) | 165 lb (75 kg)

Regular Season NHL Stats

1939‑40Chicago Black Hawks34311.9416106241920:000000
1940‑41Chicago Black Hawks35212.507105521320:000000
NHL Totals522.17232011763240:000000

Paul Goodman Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Paul Goodman has played the most regular season games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CABill Carse5221CAJoffre Desilets9416181
2CAPhil Hergesheimer5222CAAb Demarco8426282
3CABill Thoms5123CAJohn Mariucci7436383
4CAJoe Cooper5124446484
5CAGeorge Allen5125456585
6CAEarl Seibert4926466686
7CAHarold 'Mush' March4727476787
8CAArt Wiebe4528486888
9CADoug Bentley4329496989
10CACully Dahlstrom4330507090
11CAJohn Chad4131517191
12CABob Carse3932527292
13CAJohnny Gottselig3133537393
14CAJack Portland2634547494
15CALes Cunningham2135557595
16CARegis 'Pep' Kelly1736567696
17CAMax Bentley1437577797
18CADes Smith1038587898
19CABill MacKenzie939597999
20CADavid MacKay9406080100

Playoff NHL Stats

1937‑38Chicago Black Hawks3215.00015060:000000
1939‑40Chicago Black Hawks3422.370250126:360000
NHL Totals33.2203100186:360000

Paul Goodman Locker Room: The top 100 players with whom Paul Goodman has played the most playoff games during his NHL career (same team, same game).
Click on the player name to compare stats!

1CAJohnny Gottselig321CAPeter Palangio1416181
2CACully Dahlstrom322CARoger Jenkins1426282
3CAEarl Seibert323CAVirgil Johnson1436383
4CAArt Wiebe324CACarl Voss1446484
5CAJoe Cooper225CAAlex Levinsky1456585
6CAHarold 'Mush' March226466686
7CADoug Bentley227476787
8CABill Carse228486888
9CABob Carse229496989
10CAGeorge Allen230507090
11CAJohn Chad231517191
12CAJack Portland232527292
13CAPhil Hergesheimer133537393
14CALou Trudel134547494
15CABill Thoms135557595
16CABill MacKenzie136567696
17CAPaul Thompson137577797
18CALes Cunningham138587898
19CAElwyn 'Doc' Romnes139597999
20CAJack Shill1406080100